Dependency Management Got Awesome CommonJS and AMD Compliant dependency loader for modern web apps



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Inject.addContentRule(matchesPath, rule, options);

This function allows you to add a rule to transform content after it has been downloaded. Common applications are shimming a file (to give it CommonJS support), altering a file to fix a bug, or simply adding debugging information.


// Put everything assigned to "window" into module.exports
// great for "shimming" non AMD/CommonJS compatible files
Inject.addContentRule(/.*/, function(next, contents) {
    '(function() {',
    '  var window = {};',
    '  for (var prop in window) {',
    '    if (window.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {',
    '      module.exports[prop] = window[prop];',
    '    }',
    '  }',
// compile coffeescript (the rule-based way)
Inject.addContentRule(/+.*\.coffee$/, function(next, contents) {


The matchesPath parameter can either be a string or a regex. If a string, an exact match on the Module ID is required in order to perform the fetch alternative. If matchesPath is a regular expression, then the path is tested against the regex.


The rule parameter is a function with the following signature:

function(next, contents)
  • next: A continuation function. A fetch rule must call next() to continue the loading process. Failure to do so will result in a transformation “hanging” and eventually timing out. Call next in the format of next(error || null, contents || null)
  • contents: The contents up to this point. If a previous transformation provided data, it will be available here. This should be the most recent state of the file during transformation.


A collection of options for this rule. Supported options are:

  • weight: Assigns a weight to this rule. Larger numbered rules run first.

The family of rules Inject supports: