Dependency Management Got Awesome CommonJS and AMD Compliant dependency loader for modern web apps

Quick Start Guide


OLD: This is an old version of documentation. You probably want the most recent version of this document, from the sidebar on the right.

Inject (Apache Software License 2.0) is a revolutionary way to manage your dependencies in a Library Agnostic way. Some of its major features include:

  • CommonJS Compliance in the Browser (module.exports.*)
  • AMD Compliance for Library compatibility (define())
  • Cross domain retrieval of files
  • localStorage caching to reduce HTTP requests

Download Inject

The latest version of inject is always available via the source repository at The most recent version is usually at the top, and inside is the required JS and optional HTML files. Copy them to your own server.

Adding Inject to Your Page

This walkthrough is assuming you’re using a directory called js which contains all of your javascript, possibly even this file. It also assumes inside of the js directory is a modules directory which will contain all of your modules. Your directory layout might look like the following:

|-relay.html (optional)

The location of the modules directory does not need to be under the inject.js file, but it’s common practice to group files of similar types together such as JavaScript.

Starting Your JavaScript

To use inject, place the following script tags into the <head> of your document

<script type="text/javascript" src="inject.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
  • Inject.setModuleRoot is the location of ALL your JS modules. Based on the directory structure above, they are located in the js/modules directory.
  • executes your main entry point, whatever it may be. Given the above directory structure, it will run the program.js file in your module root (from require.setModuleRoot). The .js is added automatically.

Enabling Cross-Domain Support

To access files on a different domain (such as the case when using a CDN):

  1. Upload relay.swf and relay.html to the server you wish to access and verify these two files are publicly accessible.
  2. Enable support using Inject.setCrossDomain (see an example in the Quick Configs section below).

Some Quick Configs

Here’s some common configuration options you’re going to want for Inject

// Set the "root" where all your modules can be found
// you can use an http:// path or just /path/to/modules like above

// Specify how long files should be in localStorage (in minutes)
// or 0 for never, which is great for development

// configure "cross domain" support. You need to put "relay.swf" and "relay.html"
// on your remote server for this to work
  relayHtml: "",
  relaySwf: ""
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